Thursday, December 24, 2009

Interior of TECO Line Car, Tampa, FL (Video) Video by Buck. December 11, 2009. Tampa, FL.

TECO Line Streetcar System, Tampa, FL (Video)

Tampa, FL, December 11, 2009. TECO Streetcar passes the yards and carhouse. Video by Buck.

Interior of TTC PCC Car 4549 (Video)

Interior of TTC PCC car 4549. Note the front doors opening and closing on the right. Apologies to the embarrassed looking woman in red. Saturday, December 19, 2009. Video by Buck.

PCC Streetcars on St. Clair Avenue @ Glenholme Avenue (Video)

PCC (President's Conference Committee)streetcars 4549 and 4550 pass near the Glenholme Avenue stop on St. Clair Avenue West. On Saturday, December 19, 2009, streetcar service re-opened in a new, dedicated transit right-of-way between Bathurst Street and Lansdowne Avenue. Two restored PCC cars were providing free service between 11:00 am and 4:00pm on this special day. Apologies for the poor video quality. The original file was altered by Blogger after being uploaded. (Shot from PCC car 4549). Video by Buck

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sarasota County Area Transit SCAT at Bradenton Beach. December 7, 2009.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

TTC - North York Centre Station - Yellow Line

North York Centre Station. Yonge Subway Line. October 22, 2009.

TTC - Eglinton Station - Yellow Line

Eglinton Station. Yonge Subway Line. August 11, 2009. Cell phone shot.

Monday, October 19, 2009

New Look For St. Clair Avenue West

It is ironic, perhaps, that GM New Look buses are providing some of the service along St. Clair Avenue West in Toronto while the transit right-of-way is being constructed. Within a few years, brand new streetcars will roll up and down this busy thoroughfare. The second photo shows the current state of construction near Wychwood Avenue. Cell phone shots. October 7, 2009.

Friday, August 21, 2009

CPR John Street Roundhouse

Toronto, Ontario. August 20, 2009.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Seattle & Vancouver Open New Urban Rail Lines

Sound Transit in Seattle, Washington has announced its first light rail transit line. "Central Link" opened July 18, 2009 from downtown Seattle to Tukwila" (source on link). One month later, Vancouver, British Columbia has innaugurated its third rapid transit line, The Canada Line, three months ahead of schedule. "SkyTrain's newest line opened August 17, 2009 and brings rapid rail service to Metro Vancouver's busiest north-south corridor, linking Downtown to Richmond and Vancouver International Airport (YVR)" (source on link). The operating authority in the Greater Vancouver Area is called TransLink, and the Canada Line was built to service the 2010 Winter Olympics. Above Map = Central Link, Below = Canada Line.

Dartmouth Tracks 2

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. July, 2009.

Friday, July 31, 2009